Have you heard of the legendary company known as The Whole Earth Foundation? If not, you’ve come to the right place to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of The Whole Earth Foundation. The Whole Earth Foundation’s mission is to democratize infrastructure management. Their goal is to achieve this, enabling the general public to access information on the status of the infrastructure.

Whole Earth Foundation solving Earth Infrastructure Issue

Whole Earth Foundation proposes to utilize the Whole Earth Access platform to connect general citizens and infrastructure service providers by providing access to a database containing detailed information about their infrastructure and an ecosystem designed to facilitate communication. When they examine the world broadly, they see a growing issue of aging infrastructure. Unfortunately, service providers governing these infrastructure assets have not always adequately maintained and renewed the facilities they manage.

The Envisioned Ecosystem

Many organizations working to improve a broad range of infrastructure segments face similar challenges, limited by the availability or lack of a quality dataset ready for analysis. The Foundation plans to help these organizations as partners of the ecosystem by providing shared access to the database created by the WEF community.

Provision of Ecosystem Tools

To promote the use and adoption of the WEA platform, the WEF will be providing a set of tools for those looking to engage with our platform upon the launch of the network.

  • Ordinary citizens will be able to use applications developed by community partners and developers to access the environmental database for information about their infrastructure. Exploring gamification strategies to engage users in various tasks would increase participation with the platform and data delivery. The utility tokens acquired in exchange for various chores can then be managed and used by users.
  • Infrastructure-related service providers will obtain access to the environmental database. This data will enable service providers to improve the efficiency of development projects by having access to the most up-to-date information maintained by the community. They will also be able to utilize products created by third-party developers

Token Distribution

  • Team- 20%
  • Foundation- 40%
  • Public Sale- 40%

IEO News of WEC

  • Tokens for Sale-10,000,000 WEC
  • Tokens Sold-N/A
  • ICO Price-$0.05
  • Where to buy- ProBit
  • Soft Cap-TBA
  • % of Total Supply- 3.3%
  • Fundraising Goal- $500,000
  • Accept- BTC, ETH, USDT, XRP, PROB
  • Personal Cap- 5USDT~50000USDT
  • Access – Public

WEC Tokens

WEC tokens are currently ERC20 Utility Tokens that run on the Ethereum blockchain. The Ethereum blockchain was chosen because of its maturity as a decentralized platform with strong security and access to a variety of development tools. Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source, blockchain-based software platform that runs its own cryptocurrency, ether. It allows Smart Contracts and Distributed Applications (Apps) to be written and run without the risk of an outage, fraud, control, or third-party interference. As they advance, the Foundation will actively search for a governance structure that better supports their goals and consider factors such as scalability and overall environmental impact.

Future Projects

The Whole Earth Foundation is intended to focus, as its name implies, on all infrastructure and environmental projects worldwide. They focus on water topics, but the platform’s potential uses extend far beyond water infrastructure. Based on the environmental database, building energy-efficient buildings is another potential application area. Innovative data-based solutions for better energy efficiency are used by many enterprises in this area. However, many of these companies are working with insufficient data. The data is disparate for each company, making it impossible to perform a holistic analysis and generate optimal results.  The WEA database could unite this field by providing a place where environmental data related to a large number of buildings could be collected, curated, and shared by companies working in this field and building owners alike.

The WEC provides an incentive for firms to exchange and share these data, which would typically be privately held and therefore benefit all firms. As you can see, there are many potential benefits to you if you invest in this. I recommend you be here as a key perspective by joining them and making history.

Visit the following websites for more information

Website: https://wholeearthfoundation.org/

Whitepaper: https://wholeearthfoundation.org/whitepaper.html

Medium: https://medium.com/wholeearthfoundation

Telegram: https://t.me/WholeEarthFoundation

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/WholeEarthFdn 

Reddit:  https://www.reddit.com/r/WholeEarthFoundation

Article Written by:

Forum Username: oscarclows
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1769225

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